Embodying BHAKTI - The Yoga of Love: for Women & Non-Binary Changemakers
to Jul 3

Embodying BHAKTI - The Yoga of Love: for Women & Non-Binary Changemakers

in times of increasing and extreme polarization, crisis and genocide against humanity and the planet, It’s easy to react to the suffering with hate, division, fear, avoidance, isolation, numbness or other fight, flight, freeze, appease responses.

IN THIS SERIES, WE SEEK TO fortify our resilience BY deepening our connection to sacredness.

Through contemplation, practice and embodiment of mystical traditions of South Asia, we counter painful ideologies of separation.

we will call in Yoga, poetry, expressive healing arts and contemplative practice to engage with the south asian mystical traditions of Bhakti Yoga, Sufism and Sikhism that hold steadfast an underlying universal principle of revolutionary LOVE.

The Yoga of Love

space to contemplate and practice South Asian mysticism in community with women and non-binary Changemakers

THURSDAYS from APRIL 17th - JULY 3rd
11am PT - 12:30pm PT / 12pm - 1:30pm MT via Zoom


  • Identify as a women and non-binary activist who is willing to center BIPOC lineage practice and experience

  • Feel burned out and disconnected, paralyzed or anxious with fear, and are wanting to cultivate or deepen your relationship to Spirit, the divine or what is sacred

  • Need spiritual connection, grounding and play

  • Seek to connect more in community of those committed to this exploration alongside you


  • A container to practice and embody another way beyond our automatic threat responses, and to regulate our individual and collective nervous systems

  • Education in ancient wisdom and muses for generating the energy of love in our collective web

  • Inspiration, activation, and a refined attunement to enchantment and divine sparks in day to day life

  • A community of like-hearted people who want to be Lovers of the World

The Bhakti tradition was…

a revolutionary movement of reclaiming Spirit from Brahminical gatekeepers.  It was a movement by women,  Dalits, Shudras, and indigenous peoples, the disabled, trans peoples and all those who were and continue to be excluded and oppressed by dominant forces in society that hoard power and privilege.

The Bhakti movement was beautifully and raucously audacious
in its declaration that God belongs to everyone and everyone
belongs to God.   

We all deserve to dance, play, tumble, melt in and with the Divine Essence.  Barriers are social constructs. The Divine pays no heed to the walls we build to keep people apart. 

We use the word “God” in some of these titles and through this series which is meant to be shorthand for the universal essence that we each can have an intimate, personal relationship TO. This space is inclusive to any other words that resonate best with you.

attend one, four, eight or all 12 sessions


What is Bhakti?

Thursday, April 17th

We will set our space and share:

What is Bhakti? 

What is Ishtadeva?


The Divine Love Relationship

Thursday, April 24th

We will reflect on the Divine through relationships of our choice like Divine Mother, Father, Child, Lover, etc.

Muse: Hafiz

Session 3:

How Does the Divine Speak to You?

Thursday, May 1st

We will acknowledge and share stories about divine signs and synchronicities

SESSION 4: Raising Our Voices to Sing to the Sacred

Thursday, May 8th

We will engage in Kirtan practice

Muse: Parvathy Baul

SESSION 5: Dancing Our Love to Life

Thursday, May 15th

We will explore devotion through the movement of our bodies

Muses: Mirabai and Sufism

SESSION 6: Breaking the Rules and Casting Off Shame

Thursday, May 22nd

We will reflect on how Bhakti subverts casteism  

Muse: Kannappa Nayanar

SESSION 7: God in the Grind

Thursday, May 29th

We will recognize how the divine accompanies us in our daily grinds

Muse: Janabai

SESSION 8: Nekkid for God- Vulnerability as Sacred Practice

Thursday, June 5th

We will dance and move,
and remove layers by choice

Muse: Akka Mahadevi

SESSION 9: Rejecting Labels and Breaking Barriers

Thursday, June 12th

We will name religion hypocrisy, contemplate limiting labels and barriers between us

Muse: Kabir

SESSION 10: Polyamory with the Gods and Spiritual Inclusion

Thursday, June 19th

We will explore how we integrate different spiritual and religious traditions that allows us to embody love

Muse: Guru Nanak

SESSION 11: Imagining a World of Divine Love

Thursday, June 26th

We will imagine, dream and share our visions for a world of Divine Love

Muse: Ravidas

SESSION 12: Integration

Thursday, July 3rd

We will commit to carrying these experiences forward, and practicing love in action


your facilitators

Lakshmi Nair (she/her)

Hello, my name is Lakshmi Nair (she/her) . I have been teaching yoga for 20 years in the lands of the Nuché, Tsisistas, and Hinono’ei peoples known colonially as Denver, CO. I have been offering a yoga immersion/teacher training program for BIPOC since 2014 and in 2018, i co-founded Satya Yoga Cooperative, a yoga co-op by and for BIPOC healing.

I like to say that yoga saved my life. When I say that, honestly I mean it was Bhakti Yoga…an intimate personal experience with the Divine that lifted me out of an abusive marriage over 20 years ago. Nurturing that relationship has been at the center of my life ever since. I believe we are in a time when we need to collectively immerse in and call forth Radical Love. I look forward to supporting you in your own unique and intimate relationship with the Divine. .

Chetna Mehta (she/they)

Peace! It’s Chetna. I’m so grateful to be able to co-host this space with my Yoga teacher and dear friend, Lakshmi, whom I trained with via Satya Yoga in 2020.

I’ve been practicing yoga for the last 15 years, teaching yoga for the last 4 years, and facilitating group process for 7 years. I am a student alongside you and eager to amplify Bhakti with the wisdom, graceful accountability and embodied exploration that this series offers.

If you’re here as someone who is willing to do the work to nurture and open your heart (and our hearts together), I am so grateful for you and hope to share space with you soon!



drop-in (1 SESSION): $45

(available for sessions 1-11 only)

4 SESSION-Package: $170

($10 savings)

8 SESSION-package: $325

($35 savings)

Full series (12 SESSION): $450

($90 savings)

This fee structure is set up to create a sustainable work model based in principles of resource redistribution and financial accessibility; covering the curriculum development,
class preparation, communication/administration, and facilitation by of sessions by two experts.

Embodying Bhakti
from $45.00
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Relax the Clench: Nervous System Nurturance
5:00 PM17:00

Relax the Clench: Nervous System Nurturance

Sunday, April 20th from 5-6pm PT / 8-9pm ET

Via Zoom

Relax the Clench: Nervous System Nurturance is a gentle space to learn, practice and foster self-compassion, somatic experiencing, and care for our nervous systems, together.

With the amplification of fascism, genocide, deportation, polarization and uncontrollable violence, we at least have the most agency in how we react to it all. Our nervous systems determine much of our behavior and capacity to get up each day and be with the realities of the world as we know it. Through our nurtured nervous systems, we can fortify our resilience, wisdom and creativity as we make our way.

🌀What to expect 🌀 

  • Time to meet each other: we'll uplift all voices in the room so we acquaint ourselves with the lovely people we are practicing with

  • Education and guided exercise: in mindfulness, self-compassion, somatic experience and/or regulating and tending to the nervous system

  • Small or large group check-ins: connect in a small group and/or in the large group to share your experience and noticings, witness and be witnessed

🌊 The Living Agenda 🌊 

  • Arrive and check-in

  • Education

  • Guided exercise

  • Individual process

  • Small groups/shares

  • Close

Ticket options

$15 - attend the event

$35 - attend the event and get a month trial in The River

A recording will be provided to stream for 7 days after if you cannot make the live session.

Relax the Clench is happening monthly in The River along with other events like meditation, yoga, open mic, etc. This month, we’re opening this space up to the public. Nervous system care is a daily necessity like brushing our teeth, especially when we are bombarded with daily news of heartbreaking events. When we can practice with a familiar community regularly, the impact of our care is so much greater.

Reach out if the $15 ticket is not accessible to you and we’ll sponsor you.



“Through the gentle exercises in the session, I got to a place of ease and *more*. Relaxing my clench removed some energetic blockages within myself and—real talk, my ancestors showed up. It was really beautiful and I left the session feeling energized and connected to my creativity.”


“I enjoy the various somatic practices, they are skills I can not only return to, but share out with others in other areas of my life. After the experience, I continued to extend care and compassion to my body. I felt lighter and open for the first time this month. I appreciated the feeling of spaciousness in my body that carried over into the next day and I’m finding myself being more attuned and mindful today.”


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CREATIVE SOMATIC ALCHEMY: a 10-week series for changemakers
to Jul 17

CREATIVE SOMATIC ALCHEMY: a 10-week series for changemakers

this 10-week series offers a community centered on liberating embodied play, creativity and collaboration.

we expand and explore our capacity to be in our bodies' innate and abundant creativity, and to move through personal and collective colonial blocks with trust, dynamic support and enchantment.

Our sessions will be held in the beautiful space at:

Soma Yoga
9951 San Pablo Ave,
El Cerrito, CA 94530

Entrance: There are about 15 stairs from the ground floor to the 2nd floor where the studio is

Parking: There is a small parking lot in the back of the building, free street parking available after 6pm

Provided: water and tea are provided, as well as blankets, bolsters, blocks, backjacks, and chairs. Bring your own yoga mat

Covid Policy: Masking is not currently required, although we require folks to take precaution if there’s been exposure to Covid or any other seasonal cold. We have masks if needed. We require folks to stay home and rest if there are early signs of a cold/Covid

what is
creative somatic alchemy?

(if we had to describe the indescribable mystery)

the practice of (re)discovering our bodies

as our creative muses;

muses with inherited abilities to transform

energy within and around us

into healing and liberating art

Want to know more about Chetna’s approach with creativity?
Check out the Creation for Liberation Podcast


  • If you’re here and you feel like this is something you need, want, long for, desire, even are scared of!

  • You’re longing to transcend society’s oppressive definitions of “creative” or “artistic”

  • You’re desiring to feel more embodied and in touch with the creative magic in your heart and gut wisdom

  • You feel creatively “blocked”, uninspired or uncertain

  • You’re yearning to deepen into spontaneity, trust and embodied expression

  • You’re seeking confidence in your ability to vision, create and share with community

  • You identify as a changemaker of any gender, committed to being nourished and inspired as you evolve your world personally, interpersonally and systemically


  • An inviting space to play, learn, reflect and express yourself

  • Graceful accountability with an intentional creative community

  • Insightful learnings in decolonizing and inclusive approaches to creative practice

  • Abundant recognition of inspiration within you and around you

  • Clearer purpose and values to be an empowered changemaker in the world

  • Self-compassion with your inner critic and inner nurturer

  • Greater confidence to pursue creative projects and goals

  • Activities to add to your facilitation and/or education toy-boxes


“this program was expanding and enriching.

One of the best things was the sharing and connecting with others, realising we are together in so many of our fears and hopes. And it was beautiful to do this in a space that encouraged courageous movement towards more non-capitalist, decolonised thought. it was really lovely to stretch together towards more creative freedom.”























“The series was such a vital anchor in the midst of the omni-crises we are facing and I will continue to return again and again to the learnings and practices that Chetna shared.

I am deeply grateful for the space to explore, grow, and learn from the incredible group of womxn in the cohort.”

SOME OF our tools of Alchemy

  • Expressive arts (expressive drawing, writing and embodiment)

  • Somatics

  • Trauma-sensitive mindfulness

  • Yoga philosophy

  • Inspirational literature study

  • Ceremony and ritual

  • Decolonization & resurgence wisdom

  • Meditation & visualization

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy

  • Parts work and Internal Family Systems

  • Improvisational technique

  • Games & play


Thursday, may 15th to thursday july 17th
from 7pm - 8:30pm

Presence at group meetings are beneficial and preferred;
If you have to miss a session, we can provide a video recording of the gathering that will be available to stream for 7 days

If you have questions about the schedule, reach out

the facilitator

Hello fellow changemaker!

I’m really thrilled to be offering this series locally and in-person for the first time!

Since launching Creative Somatic Alchemy 3 years ago (and 4 cohorts of over 50 amazing creatives), I’ve had the dream of doing this work and play with us physically in the same circle and space.

Spaces like this give me hope, awe and inspiration in these times of so much uncertainty, suffering and absurdity. The study, praxis, connections and collective spirit in Creative Somatic Alchemy have been gifts that keep giving to me and those who have gone through the series.

I cannot wait to see what alchemy unfolds when we are localized and in the flesh!

In mischievous wonder,


Tuition for this 10-week series includes:

Art supplies available for use during sessions
Printed materials as relevant to our process
Tea and blankets/mats/pillows at the studio
Multi-media (readings, video lessons, podcasts and reflection prompts) educational content shared via email between sessions

sliding scale tuition:
$560 - $960

early bird discount for those who apply before 4/10:

If neither is accessible to you, who have a number of partially sponsored spots available. please indicate this preference for partial sponsorship in your application and we’ll follow up

This fee structure is set up to create a sustainable work model based in principles of resource redistribution and financial accessibility; covering the curriculum development,
class preparation, communication/administration, and facilitation of sessions.
If you have access to wealth, please consider paying at the top of the scale.

We accept it and receipts can be provided

A non-refundable deposit is $210 and due to confirm your place upon admission.
Thereafter, you can pay in installments or in full (see more in the application)

Applications are open until 5/1



“Creative Somatic Alchemy is a deeply transformative program. The program leads showed dynamic facilitation skills, humility through moving through their own creative processes, and embodied self-reflection that is so deeply palpable. The intention is abundant with every purposeful choice they collectively made. Any and all feedback is received and processed with the utmost care. 

I am leaving the program more courageously walking my path as a scholar creative and more attuned to hear the wisdom of my body, ancestors, and future ancestors. I give the Creative Somatic Alchemy program my highest recommendation, especially for folks who identify as highly sensitive beings and reluctantly name themselves as artists. Your community awaits here.”

“I can not recommend this program highly enough. I had important revelations that strengthened both my art practice and my journey of personal growth. honestly, I am not sure that I could have reached these revelations on my own or even with a therapist. there is something unique about this program that requires you to reach deep down and reflect on yourself, your needs, and your wants through a creative lens.

So whether you are on a journey of self-evolution, want to get reconnected to your inner creative goddess, or desire to use the program for professional development (like I did), you will benefit from this experience. you will grow through accountability and strategic support. And you will flourish creatively and existentially because of the resources, wisdom, and safe space provided.”


“This program was so impactful in my life. I felt very drawn to taking this class and I wasn’t quite sure why. I followed my intuition and applied as soon as i saw it. I went in thinking i wanted to get some tips about how to incorporate creativity more into my daily life. I thought i’d learn how to make more time to paint and write.

With the support of the course, Chetna and my fellow cohort members I was moved to launch a whole business. This had been an idea of mine for a while but the tools the course provided really allowed me to see myself as capable and worthy of doing it.

If you’re even the slightest bit curious i highly recommend.”

​​“Through the program, I have come to engage with every day processes like dreaming, offering, playing, in a more meaningful way. as a fourth-gen South African, the decolonial lens has brought comfort and empowerment when self defining these processes.

I am grateful for learning to take time to slow down and spend time imagining my dreams. and if this dream was to only exist in the creative juices of my being, the tools of this program supported me to be ok with this and trust in what is.

I love how Chetna draws from varied resources to inspire a fruitful relationship with abundance; how she “holds” the innate evolution of participants towards more aligned relationship with our creative flow.

Because of the offerings shared in community; I am filled with curiosity about humanity and where our worlds can meet to make common meaning for compassionate moments.”



“This experience has been life changing.

It’s given me permission to express myself authentically, free from judgement and/or expectation. the other day a friend told me she really loved how creative one of my platforms was and I smiled. This investment is already paying off!

I feel in tune with my creative self and it’s starting to show. I am so grateful for this program and recommend it to any womxn looking to invest in herself. chetna has a gift for cultivating spaces for creative healing and i am honored to have been part of this experience.”

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Relax the Clench: Nervous System Nurturance
5:00 PM17:00

Relax the Clench: Nervous System Nurturance

Sunday, February 23rd from 5-6pm PT / 8-9pm ET

Via Zoom

Relax the Clench: Nervous System Nurturance is a gentle space to learn, practice and foster self-compassion, somatic experiencing, and care for our nervous systems, together.

With the amplification of fascism, genocide, deportation, polarization and uncontrollable violence, we at least have the most agency in how we react to it all. Our nervous systems determine much of our behavior and capacity to get up each day and be with the realities of the world as we know it. Through our nurtured nervous systems, we can fortify our resilience, wisdom and creativity as we make our way.

🌀What to expect 🌀 

  • Time to meet each other: we'll uplift all voices in the room so we acquaint ourselves with the lovely people we are practicing with

  • Education and guided exercise: in mindfulness, self-compassion, somatic experience and/or regulating and tending to the nervous system

  • Small or large group check-ins: connect in a small group and/or in the large group to share your experience and noticings, witness and be witnessed

🌊 The Living Agenda 🌊 

  • Arrive and check-in

  • Education

  • Guided exercise

  • Individual process

  • Small groups/shares

  • Close

Ticket options

$15 - attend the event

$35 - attend the event and get a month trial in The River

A recording will be provided to stream for 7 days after if you cannot make the live session.

Relax the Clench is happening monthly in The River along with other events like meditation, yoga, open mic, etc. This month, we’re opening this space up to the public. Nervous system care is a daily necessity like brushing our teeth, especially when we are bombarded with daily news of heartbreaking events. When we can practice with a familiar community regularly, the impact of our care is so much greater.

Reach out if the $15 ticket is not accessible to you and we’ll sponsor you.

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Workshop: Art-Making on Behalf of Ishtadeva
10:00 AM10:00

Workshop: Art-Making on Behalf of Ishtadeva

Let us set our egos aside, put our inner critics in a seat across the room, and call forth a chosen divine archetype— Ishtadeva that is longing to express through us.

Now is the time to be hollow bones for the flow of wisdom beyond logic.

Through preliminary education in Bhakti Yoga, decolonizing creativity, expressive healing arts, we will allow an Ishtadeva of ours to be seen, felt and heard.

“Human beings are co-partners with deity in the project of being. This is the basis of all magic.”
Terence McKenna

this is for you if:

  • You feel creatively “blocked”, uninspired or uncertain

  • Your inner critic is oppressive and you’re ready to be moved by something more loving and liberating

  • You seek to source your creative energy from a greater well of inspiration

  • You want to revitalize up your creative practice with meaningful exercise and ritual

  • You identify as a women or non-binary changemaker, which to us means those who are 18+ years old and identify themselves as women, femme, or non-binary, and who are interested in changing their world personally, interpersonally and systemically

This exchange for this workshop is $22

recording of the workshop will be provided to stream for 10 days after the live event

This is sampling workshop of the 3-month program, Belonging to the Muse starting in February 2025

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Conscious Entrepreneurship Workshop: Honoring Endings
12:00 PM12:00

Conscious Entrepreneurship Workshop: Honoring Endings

For Women and Non-Binary Changemakers

Via Zoom in the river

This workshop is about honoring endings

in conscious entrepreneurship, we must honor the endings that inevitably happen as we grow and evolve. it could be endings in collaborations or professional partnerships, endings in the pursuit of certain ideas, or endings in how we operate.

We are adaptable, sustainable and creative when we can honor the endings associated with seasonal shifts and transitions, even and especially in our businesses or creative projects.

“Conscious Entrepreneurship” is a quarterly gathering to be in group learning, strategy and energetics around heart-centered and decolonial business creation, operation, expansion and transition. It occurs in The The River, our membership space for creative community.

this workshop gives you an opportunity to dip in and experience the River directly, AND with the purchase of your ticket, you receive a free month’s membership to all that The River has to offer 💦

If you’re not ready to take the plunge on a membership, this is an opportunity to sample the space and get a whole month of offerings. When you register, you get access to Conscious Entrepreneurship and then we’ll follow-up with the option to join on a free trail.

this is for you if:

  • You are 18+ and identify as a “woman” or  “non-binary” changemaker. This includes folks that identify as women, femme, and/or non-binary and want to impact, transform and change aspects of our culture, society and world

  • You’re called to honor any transitions or endings that feel present in your business or creative project

  • You want to be intentional and reflective in community of other creative changemakers

  • You want group support and graceful accountability

Some of what you’ll receive:

  • Space to be reflective and affirmed

  • Refinement of your purpose, values and mission

  • Access to a global community of creatives, healers and activists

  • Recording of the workshop provided after the live session 

  • A FREE month’s membership in The River 

Sliding Scale: $33 - $55

A recording of the workshop will be provided
You’ll receive a special invitation to your free month’s membership in The River after you register

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Writing Program: Sense-Making in Complex Times
to Oct 29

Writing Program: Sense-Making in Complex Times

Join the third annual Fall Online Writing Program. Immerse yourself in a community of creative beings led by world renowned authors, healers, story tellers, poets and folks who make meaning using the power of words.

In this month-long writing program, we will come together to answer the following questions:

  • How can we use writing as a tool to help us slow down and listen for the truth of our own experience?  

  • How can we turn to our writing practice to support us to find connection and cultivate clarity within ourselves? 

  • How can our words help us make meaning and add value in these complex times? 

  • How do we become visible in the world with our words? 

  • What does it look like to write in service to the collective?

Whether you are seeking to connect more with your truth, creativity, hone the practice and habit of writing, deepen your healing journey or publish a book, we invite you to join us for an incredible writing journey with an amazing panel of professional writers from a multitude of backgrounds and disciplines. 

Chetna will be offering a workshop on
Writing on Behalf of Ishtadeva

Through preliminary education in Bhakti Yoga and decolonizing creativity, mindfulness practice, and creative prompt, you will choose a divine archetype or aspect to center and give voice to.

Thursday, October 10th from 7-9am PT / 10-12pm ET

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Embodying SHAKTI through 10 Tantric Goddess Archetypes: For Women & Non-Binary Changemakers
to Dec 16

Embodying SHAKTI through 10 Tantric Goddess Archetypes: For Women & Non-Binary Changemakers

In this series, we’ll work with the Dasha Mahavidyas,
or 10 Tantric Goddesses.

Mahavidya in Sanskrit means “great wisdom,” and in times of uncertainty and illogical catastrophe, turning to these aspects of the Divine Mother can offer us guidance and strength.

Throughout the ages, our world has been steeped in a masculine-dominant energy, creating an imbalance that is fast reaching its breaking point. The patriarchal structures that define our societies are crumbling and revealing the urgent need for a profound reawakening.

To restore balance, we can invoke and awaken the wise, transformative feminine energies within us. We take personal and individual responsibility for this awakening, and allow the true power to emerge as we amplify these energies within us in community.

Through contemplation, observance and embodiment of these Goddess archetypes, we will reconnect with the sacred feminine within us and one another, and activate insight into how to be and move purposely and powerfully in these times.


Space to Feel, Contemplate and Invoke 10 Tantric Goddess Archetypes in Community with Women and Non-Binary Changemakers 

Mondays from September 30th - December 16th
5pm PT - 6:30pm PT / 6pm - 7:30pm MT via Zoom


  • Identify as a women and non-binary activist who is willing to center BIPOC lineage practice and experience

  • Do way too much, easily prone to burn-out, over-analysis and paralysis, and long to be more in receptivity and rest

  • Are yearning for more solidarity, trust and connection with the feminine

  • Are willing to gently confront ugly, angry, disgusting, taboo, and rejected energies within you 

  • Are ready to invoke abundance, creativity, power, youthful, beautiful energies in your life 

  • Are seeking community to do this courageous work and play

  • Are here to steward the rise of powerful goddess energies within you and the world


  • A container to practice and embody another way beyond our automatic threat responses, patriarchal conditionings, and to regulate our individual and collective nervous systems

  • Education in indigenous practices and models for generating the energies of sacred love, rage, acceptance and power

  • A community of like-hearted people who want to be forces of loving change in the World


We recommend attending the full series to be with all these Goddesses in balance, though we offer drop-in and smaller package options to allow you to attend one, four or eight sessions. Recordings will be provided to stream for a limited time after each session


Origins & Archetypes

Monday, Septemeber 30th

We start with the Origin story of Sati.



Monday, October 7th

The one beyond time, darkness of the primordial womb, the giver of tough love; she asks us to sacrifice of things that blind us to truth



Monday, October 14th

The one whose form Maa Kali took to revive Shiva when he drank the celestial venom; her kind eyes distinguish her even as she too stands atop of a corpse



Monday, October 21st

The one who is beautiful in Hades, Earth and Skies. She is identified with the triangle symbolizing the Yoni, the base of all creation 



Monday, October 28th

The one whose name means “ruler of the world”, her jewels remind us that she is the source of all abundance, and her three eye show us her awareness of the past, present, and future



Monday, November 4th

The one provokes fear in the face of ignorance, of darkness, and of everything that is not right for Her children. She mothers us by slaying everything and anything harmful to us, killing all darkness with her effulgent shine of ten thousand rising suns



Monday, November 11th

The one whose head is decapitated; she cut Her own head to feed her attendees, Her blood to satisfy their hunger. She too symbolizes contradiction and the ever-creating and ever-ending nature of life



Monday, November 18th

The one who is wicked and crooked and widowed, having risen from smoke. She scares some with her taboo, old, sad, defeated, and dejected nature, yet she gives and nurtures powerfully



Monday, November 25th

The one who has the power to control and paralyze the enemy like a person, entity, or disease, loss, grief, poverty, distractions, addictions, white supremacy, oppression, and anything that hampers the growth of Her devotees



Monday, December 2nd

The one who governs speech, music, knowledge, and the arts, and who teaches us non-duality. She holds impurity and purity, and shows us how to move beyond binaries and discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, race, and untouchability



Monday, December 9th

The one who carries auspiciousness, pure creative force, beauty and wealth. Like a lotus emerges beautiful and nutritious from murky water, she teaches us to emerge out of the physical body and realize our truth and reality, and the beauty in everything.



Monday, December 16th

We review and commit to carrying forth these energies into our lives with awareness and devotion.


your facilitators

Our intention is to create inclusive space to be with these goddesses. We are not formal initiates of the Mahavidya tradition. We are devoted and respecting students in this contemplation. We are approaching these goddesses as archetypes that live within each of us and the world. This series makes space for the therapeutic discovery of these archetypes rather than engaging in ritual lineage practices.

Lakshmi Nair (she/her)

Hello, my name is Lakshmi Nair (she/her) . I have been teaching yoga for 20 years in the lands of the Nuché, Tsisistas, and Hinono’ei peoples known colonially as Denver, CO. I have been offering a yoga immersion/teacher training program for BIPOC since 2014 and in 2018, i co-founded Satya Yoga Cooperative, a yoga co-op by and for BIPOC healing.

I like to say that yoga saved my life. When I say that, honestly I mean it was Bhakti Yoga…an intimate personal experience with the Divine that lifted me out of an abusive marriage over 20 years ago. Nurturing that relationship has been at the center of my life ever since. I believe we are in a time when we need to collectively immerse in and call forth Radical Love. I look forward to supporting you in your own unique and intimate relationship with the Divine. .

Chetna Mehta (she/they)

Peace! It’s Chetna. I’m so grateful to be able to co-host this space with my Yoga teacher and dear friend, Lakshmi, whom I trained with via Satya Yoga in 2020.

I’ve been practicing yoga for the last 15 years, teaching yoga for the last 4 years, and facilitating group process for 7 years. I am a student alongside you and eager to amplify Bhakti with the wisdom, graceful accountability and embodied exploration that this series offers.

If you’re here as someone who is willing to do the work to nurture and open your heart (and our hearts together), I am so grateful for you and hope to share space with you soon!



drop-in (1 SESSION): $48

(available for sessions 1-11 only)

4 SESSION-Package: $175

($17 savings)

8 SESSION-package: $330

($54 savings)

Full series (12 SESSION): $460

($120 savings)

We recommend attending the full series to be with all these Goddesses in balance, though we offer drop-in and smaller package options to allow you to attend one, four or eight sessions. Recordings will be provided to stream for a limited time after each session

This fee structure is set up to create a sustainable work model based in principles of resource redistribution and financial accessibility; covering the curriculum development,
class preparation, communication/administration, and facilitation of sessions

If these rates are not accessible to you and you’re committed to attending this series in part or full, please reach out to us for partial sponsorship

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Conscious Entrepreneurship Workshop: Clarifying Your Mission
12:00 PM12:00

Conscious Entrepreneurship Workshop: Clarifying Your Mission

For Women and Non-Binary Changemakers

Via Zoom

This workshop is about Clarifying Your Mission.

Our mission provides direction, guidance, stability and purpose. Being clear of our mission in our entrepreneurial pursuits and/or creative projects is crucial for us to remain grounded and guided in the midst of oppressive systems and cosmic chaos.

“Conscious Entrepreneurship” is a quarterly gathering to be in group learning, strategy and energetics around heart-centered and decolonial business creation, operation and expansion. It occurs in The River, our membership space for creative community.

this workshop gives you an opportunity to dip in and experience the River directly, AND receive a free month’s membership to all that The River has to offer 💦

this is for you if:

  • You are 18+ and identify as a “woman” or  “non-binary” changemaker. This includes folks that identify as women, femme, and/or non-binary and want to impact, transform and change aspects of our culture, society and world

  • You have a seed, idea or pursuit that you’re hearing the time-sensitive call to launch 

  • You want to center and prioritize this seed, idea or pursuit

  • You want to clarify your purpose, values and mission 

  • You want to deepen in community as you pursue a creative venture

Some of what you’ll receive:

  • Guidance and resources on business development and mission-clarification

  • Refinement of your purpose, values and mission

  • Clear direction with tangible steps to take for your creative expansion

  • An inviting space to play, learn, reflect and expand your creative venture

  • Recording of the workshop provided after the live session 

  • A FREE month’s membership in The River 

Sliding Scale: $33 - $55

A recording of the workshop will be provided
You’ll receive a special invitation to your free month’s membership in The River after you register

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Affirmational Drawing Workshop: For Anyone with a Thumb, Pen and Page
10:00 AM10:00

Affirmational Drawing Workshop: For Anyone with a Thumb, Pen and Page

In a space designed for imperfection, play and free expression, we’ll use the medium of drawing (adding lines and shapes to the page) in order to uncover what we’re needing and longing to hear. Through specific prompts and permission to do it all “badly”, we’ll uncover self-affirmations that resonate.

This FieldTrip is inclusive and open to all “levels”; so long as you have a thumb, pen and page, you’re well equipped.


✔️ We’ll set the space with permission-giving agreements to draw “badly” and to prioritize movement (like the pen gliding on page) over analysis-paralysis or perfection

✔️ We’ll do a brief go-around of sharing about your relationship to drawing and affirmation practices

✔️ We’ll review some recommended ways to create effective affirmations

✔️ We’ll self-reflect to name for ourselves 3 dominant feelings that are present in us across a spectrum

✔️ We’ll do a series of drawings based on 3 prompts inspired by 3 feelings, with enough time to get something meaningful on the page but not too much time for paralysis

✔️ We’ll go into small groups to share about what that was like, what came out and what resonated

✔️ We’ll harvest as a large group before you leave feeling affirmed and inspired!

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Amplify Voices Summit: The Roots of Yoga
to May 9

Amplify Voices Summit: The Roots of Yoga

Through conversations, interactive sessions, embodied practices, and more, we will:

  • Explore the historical and cultural roots of yoga, and the sacred traditions of South Asia.

  • Bridge the gap between the origins of yoga and its contemporary expressions in the West.

  • Address the importance of inclusivity, social justice, and equity within the yoga community.

  • Understand how yoga can be a powerful tool for positive change and collective well-being.

  • Honor the past and present as we look ahead to the future of yoga in the Western world. 

  • Recognize the interconnectedness of yoga with broader social and cultural issues.

This week-long online experience offers a holistic and immersive experience and invites you to be part of a groundbreaking exploration that goes beyond the physical postures of yoga and connect with the heart and soul of this ancient practice. Together, let us honor the roots of yoga—celebrating its diversity, unity, and transformative power in the West and beyond. 

Artist-in-Residence Chetna Mehta will weave the creation of a digital piece of art that represents the essence of the material presented in the Amplify series. She invites the Amplify community to join her along the journey as she shares her progress and guides you to engage with the subject matter. With faith that her human experience is not hers alone, Chetna creates digital illustrations and prints that embolden themes of interdependence, diversity, fierce compassion, and liberation. 

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Welcome Spring 2024: Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Welcome Spring 2024: Workshop

a workshop for women and non-binary changemakers

Let’s honor the winter season and first season of 2024 as it comes to a close.

Let’s welcome the Spring with intentionality, introspection, clear action and inspiring community.

This workshop leverages guided reflections, expressive healing arts, writing prompts, visualizations, and group alchemy to help us embody the people we are meant to be.

this is for you if:

  • You want to be mindful and reflective with this seasonal transition

  • You want support to set continued or new intentions and actions for the new season

  • You want move forward in alignment with your values

  • You desire to infuse purpose and intentionality in your life

  • You’re seeking a space to explore this in like-minded and heart-centered community

  • You identify as a “women” or “non-binary” changemaker which to us means those who are 18+ years old and identify themselves as women, femme, or non-binary and wanting to impact, transform and change aspects of our culture, society and world

Sliding Scale: $33 - $66

A recording of the workshop and a workbook will be provided

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(FULL) Tending the Heart During Times of Genocide: Yoga & Creative Reflection in Community
12:00 PM12:00

(FULL) Tending the Heart During Times of Genocide: Yoga & Creative Reflection in Community

tending the heart During times of genocide

Yoga and creative reflection in community

Saturday, january 27th from 12pm - 3pm
@ artogether: 1200 harrison street, oakland

As we witness the ongoing and heartbreaking genocide with the war in Palestine and Israel, let us gather to tend to our hearts and nervous systems in community.

This gathering is open to anyone who wants to be in mindful, embodied community. No matter your perspective and opinions, this is a space to honor our shared humanity.

space is limited so Please reserve your place by offering a donation. the Suggested donation is $15 to $75, though Any amount is welcome.

Space is full and registration is closed. No tickets at the door

All donations go to benefit the Adalah Justice Project


Living agenda

Arriving and settling in

Welcome, introductions and agreements

Individual reflection

Small groups

Heart Chakra Yoga

Expressive arts

Small groups

Large group harvest


COVID-19 Safety:

We abide by the COVID-19 safety regulations set by the city of Oakland: at this time, we are not requiring masks indoors. If you are feeling unwell, please let us know as soon as possible, and do NOT attend the event for the safety and wellbeing of others. Take care of yourself and mask as you see fit. If you have any questions or concerns about this, or need more safety in the space, please let us know.


Chetna Mehta (she/they)

is a granddaughter of Indian and South African diasporas. She works and plays as an educating artist, alchemist, and facilitator collaborating with progressive organizations, coalitions, social movements, and changemakers.

They hold a BA in Social Sciences from Cal Poly University SLO and a MA in Counseling Psychology from The Wright Institute.

Anchal Bibra (she/her)

is a Bay Area artist and activist who brings together skills in fundraising, communications, and design to support organizations rooted in social justice values.

Her world view is informed by her international upbringing, navigating a chronic illness, and her experiences as an immigrant, queer, woman of color in America.

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(FULL) CONSCIOUS CREATORS: A 4-Month Launch Program
to May 3

(FULL) CONSCIOUS CREATORS: A 4-Month Launch Program

A 4-MONTH launch PROGRAM for women + non-binary creatives to energetically & strategically water a NEW or RENEwED seed

conscious CREATORS

Beginning in January 2024

It is high time to listen to your calling to water your seeds of conscious creation.

Do you hear that calling, dear one? Are you wanting to take action and move through tangible or energetic barriers to get started?

You don’t have to move through it alone.

There’s intentional community, graceful accountability, co-inspiration, education and celebration for you on this journey.

Watering a seed, idea or download at the beginning is critical and tender.

this space offers energetic and strategic guidance in creative community and purposeful action.

Applications are now closed. Join our mailing list to be notified when we offer the program again in the future.


  • You identify as a “women” or “non-binary” changemaker which to us means those who are 18+ years old and identify themselves as women, femme, or non-binary and wanting to impact, transform and change aspects of our culture, society and world

  • You have a seed, idea or pursuit that you’re hearing the time-sensitive call to launch

  • You’re wanting to center and prioritize this seed, idea or pursuit

  • You want graceful accountability to water and nurture your seed

  • You want a space that blends strategic and energetic resources in the development of your pursuit

  • You’re wanting to monetize on your creativity in an authentic and values-aligned way

  • You’re wanting more community as you pursue your creative ventures


  • 13 hours of live consultation individually and in group of 4-6 other creatives

  • Guidance and resources on business development, mission-clarification, heart-centered marketing, and organization

  • Energetic and strategic development of yourself as a conscious creator

  • Belonging in a rich alum community of 200+ creators, activists, educators, visionaries, mothers, artists, entrepreneurs around the world who have learned with Mosaiceye

  • An inviting space to play, learn, reflect and expand your creative venture

  • Refinement of your purpose, values and mission

  • Accountability with individual coaching and intentional community

  • Clear direction with tangible steps to take for your creative expansion

Some of the accomplishments of Alumni:

  • Powerfully clarified their ideal audience or clients, their mission statements and their offerings

  • Launched purposeful businesses and movements in wellness, education, art and activism

  • Completed and published music albums and novels and designed and facilitated workshops

  • Reignited the fire of creative life force energy and fortified their relationship with their creative selves

  • Left behind scare or toxic work environments and industries to find grounding and abundance in more aligned and creative work

  • Fostered a community of like-minded and like-hearted creatives they can turn to for support, accountability and co-inspiration


A message from your Facilitator, Chetna

Learn more about chetna and her approach with creativity via the Creation for Liberation Podcast



“This program gave me gentle support emotionally, spiritually and tangibly as I stewarded a musical album to life.

The group meetings kept me accountable to my overall goal of completing songs within a certain time frame and encouraged me to keep going because we were all on our unique journeys in our creative process. It was amazing to have a group to share my wins, my doubts and my challenges with, to get their feedback, and to gain inspiration and wisdom from their successes and challenges as well.

The one-on-ones were helpful in fine-tuning my ideas and getting through the blockages and challenges along the way. Chetna is incredibly wise and intuitive, and our meetings often left me with a lot of contemplate.

Every single meeting, both one-on-ones and group, left me feeling energized, inspired and connected. These meetings galvanized me to create more and find deeper joy in my creative process which, beforehand, had been isolating. I learned the value of deep listening, vulnerability and sharing. This will stay with me always.”


“In an auspicious turn of events, I was laid off around the time of the first Conscious Creators mastermind session.

This space guided me to expanding my idea of what an entrepreneurial life could be, away from the 9-5 hustle. That as a creative, I could really cultivate a new way of being that has rest and pleasure integrated, with the spaciousness of time I was gifted.

I was inspired and motivated in continuing my creative magazine that I had paused on for two years. I also was supported in establishing myself as a creative entrepreneur and hosted my first workshop in four years and led several 1:1s.

With Chetna's expertise and guidance I also got clear in crafting my mission statement for the work I want to put into this world for my community. The PDFs and resources broke it down what feels lofty and abstract for me into smaller steps.”




“The CC space has helped me to create collages, proposals, curriculum, workshops, flyers, and zines.

It moved me from a space of self doubt to a place of self acceptance around me being a maker-maven. I have always been a hyper productive person when it came to my coursework/professional work but this program allowed me to tap into the yin and the yang energy around my art offerings as well.

It held up a mirror to the ways in which my life is too often centered around creating that isn't conscious and it reminded me to engage in ritualistic work and reflection that that is deeply healing for me and that I hope one day will also be deeply healing for others.”



We’ll connect online using Zoom Video Conferencing; a strong internet connection and a private place for the duration of sessions are required

Every month, there are three meetings:
1) a 45-minute 1:1 session with Chetna
2) a 90-minute group coaching mastermind
3) a 2-hour implementation flow session

one on one
with chetna

  • We clarify your needs, goals and specific challenges

  • We come up with strategic plans of action tailored to you

  • We celebrate your specific milestones and movements

group COACHING mastermindS

  • We gather to witness and share as a group

  • We address questions and share guidance, resources, motivation and connections related to each of your movements and inquiries

2-hour implementation FLOW sessions

  • We get stuff done in flow and focus!

  • We share in accountability and celebration

We start in January when 1:1 and group sessions will be scheduled
based on your and the group’s availability after the cohort is confirmed



payment for this program is offered on a sliding scale:
$888 - $1888

Payment plans are available and Professional Development funds are accepted;
receipts can be provided

This fee structure is set up to create a sustainable working model based in principles of resource redistribution and financial accessibility; covering the curriculum development, class preparation, communication/administration, facilitation of sessions and overall life-time value of business strategy, energetics, mindset and creative community


A 10-minute info session


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Thanks 2023 Welcome 2024: Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Thanks 2023 Welcome 2024: Workshop

a workshop for women and non-binary changemakers

It’s been a wild year… Let’s pay respects to 2023’s gifts and obstacles as we see it on its way out ✌️

Let’s welcome 2024 with intentionality, introspection, clear action and inspiring community.

This workshop leverages guided reflections, games and play, writing prompts, visualizations, and group alchemy to help us embody the people we are meant to be in this forthcoming cycle.

this is for you if:

  • You want to be mindful and reflective with this annual transition

  • You want support to set intentions and actions for the new season

  • You want to clarify how to move forward in alignment with your values

  • You desiring to infuse purpose and intentionality in your life

  • You’re seeking a space to explore this in like-minded and heart-centered community

  • You identify as a “women” or “non-binary” changemaker which to us means those who are 18+ years old and identify themselves as women, femme, or non-binary and wanting to impact, transform and change aspects of our culture, society and world

Sliding Scale: $33 - $66

A recording of the workshop and a workbook will be provided

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(FULL) Clarifying Your North Star: A Purpose Workshop for Women & Non-Binary Changemakers
12:30 PM12:30

(FULL) Clarifying Your North Star: A Purpose Workshop for Women & Non-Binary Changemakers

a purpose workshop for women and non-binary changemakers

We are at capacity with this workshop,
however you can still purchase the recording
for $33.

Our north star symbolizes direction, guidance, stability and purpose with its fixed position relative to other stars; it always remains at almost exactly the same point in relation to all other stars no matter how much they appear to move around. Being clear of our north star in life, love, and work helps us remain grounded and guided in the midst of cosmic chaos.

Through exploring our longings, identifying some of our heart’s deepest values, and recognizing aligned practices already present in our lives, we celebrate and activate the path lit by our purpose.

This workshop leverages Somatics, expressive healing arts and mindfulness to bring forth clarity, purpose and creativity. You’ll walk away with tangible next steps and action to embody your brightest chosen star.

this is for you if:

  • You’re longing for self-trust, focus and guidance

  • You want to clarify your “WHY” around a creative project, relationship or endeavor

  • You desiring to infuse purpose and intentionality in your life

  • You’re seeking a space to explore this in like-minded community

  • You identify as a “women” or “non-binary” changemaker which to us means those who are 18+ years old and identify themselves as women, femme, or non-binary and wanting to impact, transform and change aspects of our culture, society and world

Living agenda:

  • Arriving/welcome

  • Embodiment practice

  • Group check-in

  • Reflection exercise on core values and practice

  • Share in small groups

  • Embodiment practice inspired by values

  • Harvest

  • Review spaces to develop further

  • Close

This workshop is an appetizer for the 4-month Conscious Creators program starting in January 2024.

We are at capacity with this workshop,
however you can still purchase the recording,
which will be sent to you on Monday, 11/13

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Heart-Opening Yoga for All Bodies (Virtual only)
12:00 PM12:00

Heart-Opening Yoga for All Bodies (Virtual only)

This class is intended to help us open and strengthen our heart chakras, the seat of our unconditional love, kindness, compassion, trust, courage and deep breathfulness. Combining pranayama/breathwork, asana/yoga postures, and meditation, we expand our capacity to give and receive love.

virtual classes are $10 

This class is offered in partnership with Jiaren Yoga Studio, a non-profit with a mission is to empower women and promote wellbeing by providing a nurturing environment to feel their body and mind, welcoming all genders and all colors of the rainbow.


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Embodied Creative Flow Yoga for All Bodies (In-Person + Virtual)
10:00 AM10:00

Embodied Creative Flow Yoga for All Bodies (In-Person + Virtual)

  • via Zoom & Jiaren Yoga Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Activate your creativity with communal yoga. Combining pranayama (breathwork), somatic therapy, improvisational technique, asana (yoga postures), and jhana (introspection and discussion) via journaling and community sharing, we flow together in our bodies and on our pages. 

This is a hybrid class with limited Zoom and in-person space offered;
virtual classes are $10 and in-person classes are $20

This class is offered in partnership with Jiaren Yoga Studio, a non-profit with a mission is to empower women and promote wellbeing by providing a nurturing environment to feel their body and mind, welcoming all genders and all colors of the rainbow.


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Intuitive Movement: for All Bodies (In-Person + Virtual)
4:15 PM16:15

Intuitive Movement: for All Bodies (In-Person + Virtual)

Flow to the rhythm of your intuition in this guided movement class, which offers gentle permission to play, express yourself and share in community as we unlock inherent creativity and body intelligence. 

This is a hybrid class with limited Zoom and in-person space offered;
virtual classes are $10 and in-person classes are $20

This class is offered in partnership with Jiaren Yoga Studio, a non-profit with a mission is to empower women and promote wellbeing by providing a nurturing environment to feel their body and mind, welcoming all genders and all colors of the rainbow.


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Embodying EASE (NYC): A Movement + Writing Workshop for Women + Non-Binary Folks
10:00 AM10:00

Embodying EASE (NYC): A Movement + Writing Workshop for Women + Non-Binary Folks

Perhaps there are contexts, situations or relations in your life that are a struggle for you, where you feel force, tension or stuckness. Perhaps the stress of struggle is held tightly in your body and the pace of the world seems too fast to safely let the stress go.

In this workshop facilitated by Chetna, we’ll connect with the SPIRIT of EASE by offering it our attention, our trust, our slowness and our dance. Through guided and intuitive movement, nurturing writing prompts and community presence in a beautiful space,
we’ll practice together the art of embodying ease.

Sixth Street Community Center
638 E 6th St.
New York, NY 10009

You’ll walk away with:

  • A felt sense of relief in your body

  • An fun and contemplative experience

  • New connections with like-minded and like-hearted folks

  • Reminders of how your body holds and carries the energy of ease

The workshop agenda is:

  • Arriving and snacks

  • Welcome

  • Grounding

  • Check-ins

  • Intuitive Movement

  • Writing prompt

  • Small group sharing

  • Closing

Bring: Your journal, writing utensils


sliding scale from $44 to $66

Tickets are available until Friday, 6/30, @ 6pm EST

This fee structure is set up to create a sustainable work model based in principles of resource redistribution and financial accessibility; covering rent for the space which supports the work and activism of Sixth Street Community Center, light snacks before the class, and a livable wage for Chetna’s energy in class preparation, administration, and facilitation.

If this sliding scale is not accessible to you, please reach out for work exchange options.

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Last 2022 Creative Sangha (theme: Compassion)
5:00 PM17:00

Last 2022 Creative Sangha (theme: Compassion)

A meditation practice can bring new vitality + discovery
to our work + life. Moreover, a community of meditators
intending to root deeper in creative practice is
a cradle for amplified inspiration.

Here we gather monthly via Zoom to sit together in silence,
to spend time expressing + sharing in community.

This event is open to all bodies + genders.

This is the final Creative Sangha for 2022
and the theme will be Compassion 💜

Occurring the fourth
Monday of the Month
from 5pm - 6:15pm (pacific time)*

*Please calculate the time according to your location

The living agenda:

  • Introduction + check-ins

  • Silent meditation (~20 minutes)

  • Creative expression (~10 minutes)

  • Discussion in small groups

  • Group harvest

  • Close

This gathering is donation-based, any amount is welcome.

the zoom link will be sent a few hours before the event.

Donate to reserve your space
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Accessible Yoga Conference: Moving From Me to We
to Oct 16

Accessible Yoga Conference: Moving From Me to We

Join Chetna and an incredibly diverse group of more than 35 presenters who will be sharing their wisdom and experience in making yoga accessible and equitable.  

More than ever, the last few years have shown us the importance of community and of collective care. As we continue to navigate the ongoing global pandemic, onslaught of systemic and cultural harm against marginalized communities, and attacks on basic human rights and bodily autonomy across the globe, we as yoga teachers and practitioners know that our work—in community—is needed.

In rejection of the dominant culture of individualism, we come together to celebrate the significance of self and community care.

A key-note address on the "Audacity of Belonging to Ourselves, One Another and Earth"

- Tiered pricing and scholarships are available.
- Replays will be available for one year following the conference.
- The Preconference Intensive, Beyond Inclusivity: Making Yoga Truly Accessible, is free

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RECLAMATION + RECONNECTION: a 10-Week Reflection Group for South Asian Femmes
to Dec 17

RECLAMATION + RECONNECTION: a 10-Week Reflection Group for South Asian Femmes

10am to 11:30am PST, via Zoom

In this reflection group series facilitated and participated in by Chetna, we’ll take time to think, express, and connect with themes of identity, female relationships, anti-blackness and casteism, belonging, shame, sexuality and freedom as it relates to our lives.

This space is :

  • A multi-geographical and multi-generational affinity group for those who identify as South Asian, Desi and femme, nonbinary femme and women

  • Inclusive and respectful across all religious/spiritual/none orientations and backgrounds

  • Inclusive and respectful across caste, shade, socioeconomic status and whatever else differentiates us or puts us on hierarchies

  • Sessions are guided in English because it’s a language that unites us, though other languages, sounds, tongues are more than welcome

Living agenda for gathering:

  • Grounding

  • Check-in

  • Theme exploration

  • Expressive arts process

  • Small group sharing

  • Large group harvesting

  • Closing

We’ll call in tools like:

  • Guided meditation

  • Mindfulness

  • Expressive arts (movement, doodling, writing)

  • Somatics + Yoga

  • Witnessing and sharing in small groups

  • Ceremony + ritual

  • Curated resources (podcasts, readings, movements) via affinity educators


sliding scale: $344 - $388

the group will be between 8 to 15 people

The application is intended to assess whether you needs may be met within this group, and to curate a space and community that is as diverse and on purpose as possible

Applications are open until the group is full.

Upon admission via email, check-out below to confirm your participation


if one payment within the sliding scale is not accessible to you
and you’re committed to attending this group,
a 2-installment plan of $185 is an option


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5:00 PM17:00



we’ll gather at La Peña to revel in artful expressions by local artists, educators and activists inspired by peace, love and freedom in mosaiceye community.

This event is a fundraiser to support the offering artists, our beautiful host, La Peña, and  Sogorea Te’ Land Trust.

Donate to reserve your space

Through rematriation, cultural revitalization, and land restoration, Sogorea Te’ Land Trust is returning sacred ancestral land to Indigenous people, and inviting native and non-native folks to heal and transform the legacies of colonization, genocide, and patriarchy.


La Peña Cultural Center

3105 Shattuck Avenue

Berkeley, CA


In accordance with the City of Berkeley and La Peña’s policies, our event staff will be requiring proof of vaccination at check-in. Masks and booster shots are not mandatory but encouraged. We’ll have sanitation stations, designated outdoor eating areas, and there will be air purifiers running indoors at all times. Thanks for your understanding and support in these wild times.


  • 5pm - 5:30pm: Arriving, snacking, soaking in the vibes of the space

  • 5:30pm: Entering the ceremonial space

  • Welcoming + acknowledgements

  • Grounding meditation

  • About Mosaiceye’s mission + evolution

  • Artful performances for peace, love + freedom

  • Small group sharing

  • Harvesting

  • Grounding meditation

  • 8pm: Closing



Having been immersed in the woods, jungle, mountains and multi-coasts with artists, activists, muses, spirits and plant guides, Chetna is excited to celebrate peace and love on earth through mindful, meditative, movement, color, good vibes, community, inspiring connection and freedom, and to wish MOSAICEYE a grand 5 year solar return in abundant community, learning, unlearning, ease and liberation. May we collectively come into even more expansion across many realms in the next 5.

virtual celebration and the MOSAICEYE website tour

unfolding on tik tok


Austin is a pop and a cappella mentor artist who writes, records, produces, engineers, and arranges different genres for television, film, and other artists. He is a veteran member of The House Jacks,

Austin is the co-Artistic Director of the Thrive Choir, and for the past 25 years, the director of ’Til Dawn, Youth in Arts’ award-winning teen a cappella group. In 2020, Austin co-founded Raise Your Voice Labs, a creative culture transformation company that helps groups build brave spaces to have discussions that matter, and embody new visions of community through musical co-creation.



As the first African anchor to headline state news in China, Vimbayi has a lot to say about the power of representation.

A poet, writer and speaker, Vimbayi draws creative inspiration from her experiences living in various countries and through the lens of intersectional, global identities. She has amassed a collection of 15 years of unpublished poetry written in different parts of the world. Her poetry ranges from intimately sensual to curious inquiry. Her work is a commentary on how the world impacts and evolves her sense of self. It is also her activism. 



Prashay is a professional engineer and practicing digital artist known as Gridscatter. He was originally born in South Africa and now lives in Oakland.

Prashay’s art works are primarily self-portraits infused with both fantasy and reality but always inspired by health, psychology and self-development.

IG @gridscatter


Zulaika is invested in art and creating strong community spaces centered around healing, creativity, and growth. In her writing, Zulaika is focusing on grief, loss of loved ones, bibliotherapy, and accessible works for adolescents specifically in unpacking difficult subject matter. She loves reading, games, music, and predicting what will happen next on tv shows. 


Heather comes from a long line of healers and artists on both her Ukranian and Spanish/Moroccan sides of the family. She currently works offering divination through astrology and tarot, and organizing international arts events for the community.

Heather has traveled and lived in various countries in Latin America and the Middle East and has been deeply influenced by the music and spirituality of those cultures. Her connection to trance possession ceremonies is a deep part of her spiritual practice and she enjoys sharing this in sacred spaces.





Sound Vibes





$35 - $535


Proceeds from your ticket will be donated accordingly:

Donate here

After your donation is received, we’ll send an email the day before the event to share any other details

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Freedom Circle on Flowing in EASE (Oakland): For All Bodies
10:30 AM10:30

Freedom Circle on Flowing in EASE (Oakland): For All Bodies

If you're in or nearby Oakland, join with us in Freedom Circle 🌀

Chetna weaves learnings in Garba, Biodanza, Capoeira and Andean dance circles, through Somatics, liberation-oriented Yoga, Interplay, meditation and Mindfulness...
this is their love child

We play with expressive healing arts like movement, pen to page, and storytelling to be in peace, love and freedom in a circle of embodied + energetic activism


Wear comfortable clothes to move in

Be prepared to be barefoot


The Interplayce Studio

2273 Telegraph Ave

Oakland, ca


We are mindful of COVID protocols and sanitization best practices. Thank you for respecting the boundary of being vaxxed or tested negative within 24 hours; this helps promote some safety in the space.


  • Arriving

  • Grounding

  • Group check-in

  • Warm-up

  • Individual expression

  • Small group play and sharing

  • Harvesting

  • Closing


$44 Tickets at the door available
until 10:30am


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Mosaiceye Evolution Fundraiser: Receive + Give to Artists + Girlforward until July 30th
to Jul 30

Mosaiceye Evolution Fundraiser: Receive + Give to Artists + Girlforward until July 30th


Please donate generously knowing that the funds will be distributed:

30% to GirlForward | 50% to the artists | 20% to organizing

This fundraiser for the artists and GirlForward is open until July 31st.

♥️ Participate in the circulation of giving and receiving abundance ♥️

Through programs that offer mentorship, education and safe spaces, Girl Forward is a community of support dedicated to creating and enhancing opportunities for girls ages 14-21 in grades 9-12 who have been displaced globally by conflict and persecution as refugees, immigrants, and asylum seekers.

Recordings of Offerings


Featured Artists

Padmini Kooverjee

is a retired physical therapist, elder and grandmother originally from South Africa and living in Toronto, Canada. In childhood, she witnessed her dad practicing yoga and was intriqued early on. She worked in physical therapy for 45 years in many different areas of focus and patient demographics.

During the pandemic, Padmini began teaching yoga classes virtually, bringing experience and knowledge to modify exercises for seniors with multiple disabilities and age-related pathologies.

She’s studied Vedanta to understand the universe, life, ethical principles and moral dilemmas, which she incorporates in her teachings.


Lakshmi Nair

is a yoga educator, engaged in reclaiming the pre-patriarchal, non-hierarchical indigenous resilience and resistance of her ancestral tradition of yoga and creating spaces for herself and others to authentically engage with the practices of yoga for self and collective healing and liberation.

In 2014, Lakshmi created a yoga immersion and teacher training program exclusively for BIPOC in the territories of the Cheyenne, Ute, and Arapaho (amongst others) that is commonly known by the colonized name of Denver, Colorado. Since 2014, Satya Yoga Immersion has grown into Satya Yoga Cooperative, a BIPOC owned and operated yoga cooperative.

Ré Phillips

is a self-taught, multidisciplinary artist from the ancestral lands of Muscogee communities in the American South.

Her work sits at the intersection of art & social advocacy, and she is committed to using creative expression to address systemic social issues and heal personal dilemmas. Ré is enthused by the material culture, history, and stories of African and African Diasporas globally.



Gigi Mascareñas

is a queer second-generation Filipinx currently residing on the ancestral land of the Piscataway and Nacotchtank peoples (also known as Washington, DC).

As a visual and performance-based storyteller, they love to connect with others through feeling; playing in mediums from painting and design to acting and stand-up comedy. Their art and stories are rooted in mental health, queerness, being born of immigrant parents, and deeper healing. Gigi is currently working on their first children’s book.

Saniah Naim

is a part of the  Palestinian Diaspora, currently based between the SWANA region and Turtle Island.  

She practices tatreez (traditional Palestinian embroidery) and strengthens her own identity through exploring its history and meaning to Palestinian women. Saniah is a budding herbalist and a fan of all things citrus.

Manisha Pillay

Manisha Pillay is South African, born to a family of human rights activists. She is currently trying to be guided by her children in their home learning space. She dreams about creating, in community, a learning space rooted in Earth, justice and equity. She is a poet and writer, dreaming up children's books which imbues her studies in Geography, her childhood wandering the natural landscape of South Africa with her mother and her value of ancestral cultural practices.


iara bloomz

is a queer latinx-american singer/songwriter, writer, earth fairy, and crypto-student. Currently, she's crafting her debut album and nft's about being in conversation with your shadows. 

Chetna Mehta

is a granddaughter of Indian and South African diasporas. Her greatest muses lately have been the planet, the energy of ease, queerness, body wisdom, honesty, grief, spiders, and freedom.

Chetna continues her learnings in present-mindedness, compassion, authentic expression, freeing creativity, culturally-aware and strengths-based therapeutic approaches, growing and gardening, and ancient wisdom from her lineages and mitochondrial dna.


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A Series of IG LIVE Conversations on Peace, Love + Freedom
to Jun 23

A Series of IG LIVE Conversations on Peace, Love + Freedom

MOSAICEYE turns 5 with the Summer Solstice this month and we’ll be engaging in a series conversations via IG LIVE
in spirit of our mission.

That doesn't exclude acknowledging the barriers to our peace, to our love, and to our individual and collective freedom...
So we're talking about it!

Tune in during the scheduled times to hear Chetna speak with impactful and wise healers, artists and activists about how they’re amplifying and embodying peace, love and freedom in the world.


Scheduled Conversations

the Funk,
Love + Freedom

With Ry Toast

(recorded on Tuesday, June 7)

Ry Toast is a DJ and Yoga Teacher. What sets them apart from other DJs and yoga teachers is not what they do, but how they do it. Their overall look and sound, production catalogue, dedication to studying both pursuits (dojo mentality), their turntabilism, they way they fuse music and yoga, fashion, way of doing business, artivism, the way they carry themselves, to name a few.


Incubating Liberation:
from indigenous birth-keeping wisdom

With Eutimia 

(recorded on Thursday, June 9)

Eutimia Cruz Montoya is a healer, seer, birth worker and ceremonialist based in her lineage of New Mexican Curanderismo. She has been practicing hands-on-healing since toddlerhood, and was born into Danza Mexicayotl. Eutimia holds a degree in the Anthropological Sciences from Stanford University, is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist and has been studying and practicing Chinese Medicine since 2004.

She is full of joy to share her knowledge and wisdom with you all, as she grows baby #2 in her sacred womb.


Creating a Safe World
with Art

With Regina

(recorded on Thursday, June 16)

Regina Linke is a Taiwanese American artist specializing in contemporary Chinese gongbi painting. She uses both traditional ink and wash techniques and digital painting to create truly enchanting illustrations.

Regina Linke lives in Taipei, Taiwan with her husband and young son, who inspires her everyday as a real-life oxherd boy. She enjoys hiking in the two months out of the year when she won’t be eaten alive by mosquitos, live texting with friends, and building with LEGO.


Rejection & Resilence

with Mayen Mehta

Tuesday, June 21st
@ 6pm PT /
Wednesday, June 22nd
@ 1pm NZT

Mayen Mehta is a South African born Kiwi-Indian actor, writer and comedian. His screen credits include Interceptor (2022), Sweet Tooth (2021), Power Rangers Dino Fury (2021) and Fresh Eggs (2019). He has been nominated for a Best Actor award at the 48 Hours Film Festival and the docudrama he starred in, Cabbie, won the Ignite Award at the Vancouver International Film Festival.


+ Community

with Alex

Thursday, June 23rd
@ 9am PST

Alex Elle is an author, certified breathwork coach, and Restorative Writing teacher living in Maryland with her family.

Writing came into her life by way of therapy and the exploration of healing through journaling and mindfulness. The intention behind Alex’s work is to build community & self-care practices through literature & language.

Alex teaches workshops, courses, and retreats to assist others in finding their voices and create clarity in their lives & relationships.



Keep an eye out here and on Instagram for more conversations
unfolding this season 🌀



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Freedom Circle on Activating Love (Oakland): For All Bodies
10:00 AM10:00

Freedom Circle on Activating Love (Oakland): For All Bodies

If you're in or nearby Oakland, join with us in the FIRST Freedom Circle!

This has been a dream for years through Chetna’s learnings in Garba, Biodanza, Capoeira and Andean dance circles, through Somatics, liberation-oriented Yoga, Interplay and mindfulness... this is their love child

We play with expressive healing arts like movement, pen to page, and storytelling to ACTIVATE LOVE within and around us in a circle of embodied + energetic activism


Wear comfortable clothes to move in

Be prepared to be barefoot


The Interplayce Studio

2273 Telegraph Ave

Oakland, CA 94612


We are mindful of COVID protocols and sanitization best practices. Thank you for respecting the boundary of being vaxxed or tested negative within 24 hours; this helps promote a bit more safety in the space.


  • Arriving

  • Group check-in

  • Group warm-up via expressive healing arts

  • Individual introspection via expressive healing arts

  • Small group play and sharing

  • Noticing

  • Closing


Tickets available until Friday the 13 @6pm


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Panel Discussion (San Francisco): Being With What Is - A Conversation Honoring Mental Awareness Month
5:30 PM17:30

Panel Discussion (San Francisco): Being With What Is - A Conversation Honoring Mental Awareness Month

Please join us for an in person, hour-long conversation honoring Mental Health Awareness Month with four incredible Bay Area Mental Health Practitioners. With each offering a unique and extraordinary perspective on what it means to be well during these times, the collective panel is made up of psychotherapists, artists, activists, academics, yogis, and scientists and their combined work is at the intersection of art, wellness, liberation, social practice, and equitable well-being for all. 


Nkechi Deanna Njaka (she/her) is a neuroscientist, choreography artist, leading mindfulness expert and meditation guide. She is the founder of The Compass, NDN lifestyle studio, and co-founder of the sleep app DreamWell. Her work intersects wellness, science, art, and social practice. Through her work, research, practice, and study, she discovered that mindfulness and creativity are crucial for sustaining individual and global wellbeing. 

Nkechi has spent the majority of her life investigating the relationship between the brain and the body and has always felt the significance of their integration. She attended Scripps College in Claremont, CA where she majored in neuroscience and dance and went on to complete an MSc. in Neuroscience at the University of Edinburgh and she is currently a practice-based Ph.D. candidate in creative research at Liverpool John Moores University. Her expertise has been recognized by Google, goop, Black Girl in Om, Wanderlust, Calm, Apple and Forbes, to name a few. 

Jess Semaan is a queer author, activist and psychotherapist who finds inspiration in her journey to heal from complex trauma. She started writing on platform Medium after hitting rock bottom, following burnout. Two years later, close to 52,000 people were following and engaging with her writing about despair, fear, trauma, and shame. Her work has been featured in magazines from around the world, including the Huff Post, Stanford Magazine, Human Parts, and Slimi Mag. An agent named Laura Lee Mattingly reached out to her in 2017, suggesting a book. Six months later, Child of the Moon was born, and soon after found a home with Andrews McMeel, publisher of Rupi Kaur amongst other poets.

Chetna Mehta (she/her) is a granddaughter of Indian and South African diasporas living and creating on Ohlone land known as Berkeley, CA. As an educating artist, facilitator and speaker playing at the intersection of expressive healing arts, spirituality and psycho-education, she is here as a steward for peace, love and freedom on Earth. Find more about the mission at www.mosaiceyeunfolding.com.

Leia Layus is a yoga teacher and an integrative therapist, who is inspired by the connection between psychology, Eastern philosophy, somatic movement modalities, yoga, mindfulness, creativity, and spirituality. Deeply touched by this path and its supportive nature of looking inward and living more fully, Leia offers these practices for the health and wellness of all beings. 

Leia studied at Prajna Yoga in New Mexico, which weaves together the Ancient wisdom of the Buddhadharma and Yogic Philosophy, traditional Hatha Yoga, modern science, and extensive studies of somatic movement to support the subtle body. Leia is a graduate of the Integral Counseling Psychology program at the California Institute of Integral Studies which supports an integrative approach toward mental health. 


5:00pm - Doors open

5:30pm - Panel

6:30pm - End and transition to DJ at 7

RSVP Required

*Members are prioritized*

This event is 21+

About SHACK15

Please review our House Rules and Guest Code of Conduct.

SHACK15 is a community for Founders, Innovators and Changemakers. Located on the third floor of the iconic San Francisco Ferry Building with panoramic views of the Bay, SHACK15 provides the stage for a diverse global community to gather and connect.

SHACK15 Location

We’re located on the 2nd floor of San Francisco's Ferry Building. Please use the elevator to come to the 2nd floor in the Ferry Building’s “Office Lobby” - located underneath the giant clock tower, on the left side of the main market entrance.

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