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Digests in the river
Synchronicity through Despair (February 25)
The Void (January 25)
Terror, Uncertainty & Trust (November 24)
Seasonal Death (October 24)
Taking off the Armor (September 24)
Introspective Together (August 24)
A Fire Path to Love (July 24)
Free our Bodies, Free our Collective (June 24)
Inner Revolution & Outer Transformation (May 24)
Liberation Beyond Binaries (April 24)
Sacred Accountability (February 24)
Making Beauty in the Fire (January 24)
Magic Darkness (October 23)
Life/Death/Life (September 23)
Reclamations (August 23)
Going Rogue (July 23)
Boundaries for Peace (June 23)
Reclaiming my Gaze (May 23)
Dreaming with Mystery (April 23)
Peace with My Body, Peace with Your Body (March 23)
Peace with Not Understanding (February 23)
Peace with Difference (January 23)
Let Rest Be The Way (October 22)
When I Breathe, Purpose is Fulfilled (September 22)
The Audacity of Belonging: to Spirit (August 22)
MOSAICEYE is Five! (July 22)
The Audacity of Belonging: To Each Other (June 22)
The Audacity of Belonging: to Earth (May 22)
The Audacity of Belonging: to Self (April 22)
Every Moment is a Reset (March 22)
Emptying to Receive (February 22)
The Freedom in Not Knowing (January 22)
Trust in Our Intuition (October 21)
Trust in Our Interconnection (September 21)
Trust in Divine Collaboration (August 21)
Self-Trust (July 21)
Growth Mindset in Our Justice Work (June 21)
Growth Mindset in Our Creative Processes (May 21)
Fortifying Growth Mindset (April 21)
Anchoring Through Our Phases (March 21)
Building an Altar (February 21)
Crafting Ritual for WE-llness (January 21)
An Abundant Unveiling: 2020 (October 20)
Bounded Liberation: Beyond Fear of the Other (September 20)
Bounded Liberation: Ancestral Connections (August 20)
Bounded Liberation: Us + Earth (July 20)
Decolonizing our Creativity (June 20)
Decolonizing our Bodies (May 20)
Decolonizing our Minds (April 20)
Compassionate Motivation (March 20)
Purposeful + Devoted Action (February 20)
Self-Parenting Ourselves to Discipline (January 20)
Abundance is a Practiced Mentality (October 19)
Compassionate Vibes Only (September 19)
Finding Abundance in Minimalism (August 19)
Tea with Mara (July 19)
Comparing Mind (June 19)
Lean Into Your Awkward (May 19)
The Divine Feminine in Us All (April 19)
Recognizing + Releasing Ego (March 19)
Healing Our Intimacy (February 19)
Discipline as Self-Empowerment (January 19)
Allowing Mindful Pleasure (November 18)
The Habits of Jealousy + Envy (October 18)
Vulnerability = Courage + Trust (August 18)
Social Anxiety + Recentering (June 18)
Self-Sovereignty (April 18)
What Are You Devoted to? (March 18)
Healthy Boundaries in Relationship (February 18)
Self-Parenting the Inner Child (January 18)
Aversive Judgment (December 17)
Body Wisdom (November 17)