Our collective


Awakenings to Galactic Communion


MOSAICEYE is an evolving collective of multi-disciplinary & multi-geographical artists
cross-pollinating & CO-CREATING peace, love + frEedom on earth.

the collective spans alumni of our programming, members in the river,
our team and contributing educators and artists.

Chetna Mehta (she/They)

Ohlone Land (Berkeley, CA)

Chetna is a granddaughter of Indian and South African diasporas. Their training, education and experiences span social sciences, counseling psychology, yoga philosophy and practice from a liberation-oriented perspective, cultural exchange, media and entertainment, leadership and mentorship, somatics, expressive healing arts and cultivating peaceful circles. She serves as a creativity doula for disruptors, educators and changemakers seeking to embody more of their purpose and freedom.

Chetna is a full-time employee.

Jess Gutierrez (she/they)

Ohlone, Muwekma, Tamien Nation Land (San Jose, CA)

Jess is an educator, artist/designer, arts curator, and community connector. Jess believes everyone should have access to create and express through art. She actively seeks ways that she can engage people in meaningful creative expression and build bridges across communities through active engagement, curation, workshops, and collaborations with other local creatives.

She emphasizes holding space and providing opportunities for BBIPOC artists, LGBTQ+ artists, and any other folks of marginalized identities that are historically under-resourced, underrepresented, and not welcome to be their full selves in institutionalized spaces.

Jess is a part-time contractor.

Lakshmi nair

Arapahoe, Sioux, Cheyenne, Ute Land (Denver, CO)

Lakshmi has been teaching yoga for 20 years in the lands of the Nuché, Tsisistas, and Hinono’ei peoples known colonially as Denver, CO. She’s been offering a yoga immersion/teacher training program for BIPOC since 2014 and in 2018, she co-founded Satya Yoga Cooperative, a yoga co-op by and for BIPOC healing.

Lakshmi is a project-based contributor.

OLIVIA HUNTE (she/they)

Arapahoe, Sioux, Cheyenne, Ute Land (Denver, CO)

Olivia is a Black queer femme feminist storyteller. As a social work scholar, Olivia is dedicated to disrupting systems of oppression while centering pleasure and healing. She is currently a doctoral student engaged in community-centered research with the intention of developing liberatory theoretical and practice frameworks. 

When she is not galavanting the halls of academia,Oliviacan be found nurturing relationships and pouring into her creative practices.Oliviacurates the literary zine, Intersections, as an avenue to amplify counternarratives and capture the active reimagining of possibilities beyond the confines of oppressive realities. She does so with the steadfast belief in the transformative powers of storytelling.

Olivia’s art is featured in the shop.


Michelle Castor (she/they)

Cayuse, Umatilla, Walla Walla, Stl’pulmsh/Cowlitz and Clackamas + (Portland, OR)

Michelle is a mixed latinx queer femme of color and a portal doula. They work with folks navigating the portal-like experiences of grief & loss, fertility/TTC, and the postpartum. Michelle’s offerings include 1:1 and group space holding, somatic care, intuitive coaching, and herbal remedios to help hold a gentle and steady chrysalis for those going through their “goo eras.” Learn more about their work at aguasangrehealing.com, and find her on IG @aguasangrehealing

Michelle is facilitating grief circles in The River.

Leena Sharma Seth (She/Her)

Anishinabewaki, Haudenosaunee, Attiwonderonk and Mississauga + Land (Ontario, Canada)

Leena is a settler who is cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied, and a child of hindu, panjabi, and brahmin immigrants from India. As the Founder of Mending the Chasm, a boutique consultancy focusing on advancing equity, inclusion justice, and belonging, Leena brings a set of lived and intersectional experiences to her work as a facilitator, strategist, conflict transformation expert, inclusion advisor, and inclusive process designer.

Leena is a project-based contributor.

Joanne Phoa (she/her)

Muskogee Land (Atlanta, GA)

Joanne first tried yoga in 2008, but it didn’t stick. A decade later, after navigating personal health challenges and a demanding career, she discovered its true healing power. At the end of 2016, she returned to Toronto after 15+ years in New York City, leaving behind a successful career as a personal chef to pursue a new passion: health and wellness. While training as a health coach, Joanne found Iyengar yoga in early 2017.

Joanne completed her certification in functional medicine through The School of Applied Functional Medicine in 2021 and began studying online with renowned Iyengar teacher Lois Steinberg. Today, Iyengar yoga and functional medicine form the foundation of how Joanne helps others reconnect with their health and well-being.

Joanne is teaching Yoga in The River.