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Conscious Entrepreneurship Workshop: Honoring Endings

For Women and Non-Binary Changemakers

Via Zoom in the river

This workshop is about honoring endings

in conscious entrepreneurship, we must honor the endings that inevitably happen as we grow and evolve. it could be endings in collaborations or professional partnerships, endings in the pursuit of certain ideas, or endings in how we operate.

We are adaptable, sustainable and creative when we can honor the endings associated with seasonal shifts and transitions, even and especially in our businesses or creative projects.

“Conscious Entrepreneurship” is a quarterly gathering to be in group learning, strategy and energetics around heart-centered and decolonial business creation, operation, expansion and transition. It occurs in The The River, our membership space for creative community.

this workshop gives you an opportunity to dip in and experience the River directly, AND with the purchase of your ticket, you receive a free month’s membership to all that The River has to offer 💦

this is for you if:

  • You are 18+ and identify as a “woman” or  “non-binary” changemaker. This includes folks that identify as women, femme, and/or non-binary and want to impact, transform and change aspects of our culture, society and world

  • You’re called to honor any transitions or endings that feel present in your business or creative project

  • You want to be intentional and reflective in community of other creative changemakers

  • You want group support and graceful accountability

Some of what you’ll receive:

  • Space to be reflective and affirmed

  • Refinement of your purpose, values and mission

  • Access to a global community of creatives, healers and activists

  • Recording of the workshop provided after the live session 

  • A FREE month’s membership in The River 

Sliding Scale: $33 - $55

A recording of the workshop will be provided
You’ll receive a special invitation to your free month’s membership in The River after you register