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Conscious Entrepreneurship Workshop: Clarifying Your Mission

For Women and Non-Binary Changemakers

Via Zoom

This workshop is about Clarifying Your Mission.

Our mission provides direction, guidance, stability and purpose. Being clear of our mission in our entrepreneurial pursuits and/or creative projects is crucial for us to remain grounded and guided in the midst of oppressive systems and cosmic chaos.

“Conscious Entrepreneurship” is a quarterly gathering to be in group learning, strategy and energetics around heart-centered and decolonial business creation, operation and expansion. It occurs in The River, our membership space for creative community.

this workshop gives you an opportunity to dip in and experience the River directly, AND receive a free month’s membership to all that The River has to offer 💦

this is for you if:

  • You are 18+ and identify as a “woman” or  “non-binary” changemaker. This includes folks that identify as women, femme, and/or non-binary and want to impact, transform and change aspects of our culture, society and world

  • You have a seed, idea or pursuit that you’re hearing the time-sensitive call to launch 

  • You want to center and prioritize this seed, idea or pursuit

  • You want to clarify your purpose, values and mission 

  • You want to deepen in community as you pursue a creative venture

Some of what you’ll receive:

  • Guidance and resources on business development and mission-clarification

  • Refinement of your purpose, values and mission

  • Clear direction with tangible steps to take for your creative expansion

  • An inviting space to play, learn, reflect and expand your creative venture

  • Recording of the workshop provided after the live session 

  • A FREE month’s membership in The River 

Sliding Scale: $33 - $55

A recording of the workshop will be provided
You’ll receive a special invitation to your free month’s membership in The River after you register